Wednesday, 23 February 2011


Something smells good.

Real good.

i'm moving to it.

I’m a daydreamer by nature, its a big part of what makes me, me. I did stopped daydreaming for a minute, but I've started again, but with the bonus of actually taking the steps of jumping into it to make it real. I took the time that I used to spend so much of in my head and started using it to do what was in my head. Sometimes I get to the lil’ thinking bit before I sleep and I aint quite sure what bits what between my dreams and reality.

I’m a bit crazy that’s a given, but I genuinely feel the only difference between the two things is just what I have done and what I haven’t done … yet. To some that’s a huge difference, but to me it’s just a case of planning and time. Things can happen so fast that to me, God willing I maintain my health this year, I’m going to walk through my dreams like I’m playing an RPG with a guidebook.

Anyways, what I’m saying is I don’t know whether you should take me literally or figuratively, but I mean what I say, and I say what I mean; for the most part.

Well, getting to it...

I know you may have already begun to think, ‘you talk to much, know your role and shut your mouth!’ Well, to that I say, ‘IT DOESN’T MATTER WHAT YOU’RE THINKING JABRONI…’ Sorry, but I mean it. Recently I’ve been thinking of the millions… and MILLIONS of the rocks cash and realised that he didn’t just get where he was out the blue. I don’t know if he- or others like him- ever expected the worldwide acclaim they enjoy but they sure as anything acted as though they believed it. Remember, there’s going to be people who have something to say about anything you do as long as you’re not doing nothing.

I’m a wordsmith, so I have like a million motto’s a recent one being, ‘be humble enough to accept help from anyone, but proud enough to expect it from no one.’ At the moment, I’m tryna help myself, I’m going to accept that help, no matter what I or anyone else can say about me… that’s humility… right? So if you don’t like it, I respect your opinion, but you can take that opinion, turn it sideways…shine it up real nice… ... you know the rest.

It takes a level of undisputed arrogance to seriously consider yourself for anything BIG. You might not consciously go through the thought process, which enables me to describe it like that, but essentially, you are saying; of all the millions of people in the world, many of which also have similar talent or abilities, I think that this ‘role’ should be taken by me. I have something to bring to this situation that no one else could and believe with out a shadow of a doubt, -not knowing even a small percentage of these millions of other people- that the best person for it is myself. That’s some special doses self-assuredness/ confidence in the least. It's necessary though because quite frankly, if you can't get a picture of succeeding in what it is your jumping into before you jump into it… there is not much point jumping!

The rock never actually told us what he was cooking, but 15 years, several movies and world tours later, it’s pretty sure he was cooking something. What’s more, before anyone else did, he must have smelt it. How could he have asked if people could smell it if he hadn't smelt it himself? Matter fact, asking anyone to believe in you or what you’re doing before YOU believe in it is semi-retarded. (I don’t know if I’m supposed to use that word, or if it’s still used. If it bothers you replace with something else, if it offends you, it’s meant to, it’s that simple.)
Do you see what the ‘VoicEofReasoN’ is doing?

Forgive the obvious Dwayne Johnson references, but don’t forget them, I wrote them for a reason after all…

Let me take you to the kitchen, as far as I know we have 5 senses, the main purpose of these senses is to help us navigate and improve the quality of our subsistence or survival, some of us don't use them effectively. Bear with me through the analogy.

We need food to survive, anything that lives, that doesn't get food, dies. I say if you ain’t living your dying. Living (a full and purposeful life) is the win… eating is the win. Let’s equate eating to winning.
You don't eat just once and win the game, no; you have to keep winning, continuously. You don't keep winning just one thing either, that is not a balanced win. Several things go in to the win, sourcing, preparing, and consuming being three.

Not only do we want to win though, we want to enjoy a win. One of the things that give you an indication you are going to enjoy what you eat is your nose.
When you are hungry and you've headed towards your kitchen, the smell of freshly prepared food is enough to whet your appetite, to make you walk towards your win with confidence that something is yours for the taking. Obviously there is the chance that what's being cooked is not for you, in which case that smell is a deceptive, teasing irritant only serving to stir up your hunger even more.

Growing up in my house you had to stake claim to your food to fend of competing 'winners' senses, because if you are not careful, someone WILL eat what you have cooked!

I don't know if I want to decipher all that, but it's in there if you look for it.

Equally, we can use our nose to guide us through certain situations. When we stop using one of our 5 senses for a time, it heightens the others. If we take our time and pay attention to our senses we can actually get a much clearer picture with which to make our decisions, trust your senses. Why do you think we have phrases like, 'something’s fishy'? Well basically, if something smells bad its normally an indicator that something is bad, when food goes of its smells bad, when things die they smell bad, throw up and faeces smell bad. Your unwashed armpit stinks. Ironically fish is good for you, WHEN it is prepared and cooked, smelly raw fish can do you some serious illness so once again... trust your senses.

Not everything that smells good is good, just like not everything that glitters is gold, you do have to be Sensible with it. Generally though your senses do serve as a good barometer to what is going to be good for us. For instance, how many people sit and deliberate when there sense tell them that they need to go to the toilet, or the water coming out of the shower is too hot and you might wanna jump back... NOW! Nope, certain times we tend to listen to our senses other times, we totally ignore it. Saying stupid stuff like, the signs were there... I should have seen it coming!

Well, me, I'm liking what my senses are telling me at the moment, I’m liking what's in the air and I’m reaching for it. You should have gathered by now that I've used the smelling sense as an umbrella for all of the 5 senses. What I have not been speaking about are emotions, emotions can sweep you, or knock you off your feet to the point that you ignore you're senses. Knowing what's good or bad for you and letting a feeling over-ride what you know is the sensible response to it isn't the money! Yes emotions most definitely have there place, but that's a different blog, a different day, I have already amassed enough words in this one.

If you understand what I have written you will understand this simple formula. Pray it, plan it, and then follow your senses. It's a win. That's why I'm a winner.

But concluding all of this jargon?... wisdom?... stuff?!? Just remember emotions are great and have their own amazing little purpose that isn’t to be ignored. That’s why I mess’ with emotions, sometimes. But more time, most of the time, when something happens or doesn’t you can ‘smell it coming before hand. You wont always get it right but you can learn that. For me, am smelling days of heaven on earth so I’m boldly walking towards it, I’m claiming it loudly too so every time I get there cant nobody tell me it aint for me neither.

I don’t know what’s ahead of you, and I aint normally gonna have my nose in your kitchen, but seeing as you got your own. Close your eyes for minute make the senses extra strong.

Can you smell it?

Can you smell it?

Can you SMMEEEEELLLLLLL, what it is that you’re cooking?

TO GIVE ME a reason to proof read i will now normally read my writing and give myself 5minutes to write a poem which summarises what i understand from it... Here's it...

Heaven scent... The poem

Breathe Deep before you ‘go in’,
Sumfin smells good.
Exhale just as you zone in.
Sumfin smells good.
Delight in life, in living. Revisit your favourite vision
Then plan ahead stop missing what could be ur new beginning

When sumfin smells fishy, take ur steps with caution
Cos only fools and horses, find a fortune in the auction.
Live a little love a lot. Look up, look to look hot.
Look for your favourite spot. Find it, keep it, get it got.

When following senses. Do not leave urself defenceless
Cos feelings are pretentious , leaving u falling of fences
With indecisive and imprecise, crisis enlightment.
Define it like a psychic whose story telling is cyclic.
So round in circles you go, following scents in ur nose.
Been walking columns and rows.
Misunderstanding my prose.
just cos it smells pretty doesn’t mean it taste nice.
The Bolognese was gritty but the cook just added spice
Your stories always being written, you choose how you tell it.
Sumfins, surely bout to happen for ya, can you smell it?

Monday, 7 February 2011

When Things Go Wrong.

Nobody prays for it, but one of life’s inevitabilities is, that try as we might prevent it, things will at some point go wrong. Life is full of ups and downs and its no news to anybody that on the whole, you’ve gotta take the bad with the good. Still though, people often don’t take the bad too good.

I’m feeling all life skill oriented at the moment… so… lemme help you get your mind right…

There will always be something that can turn up and potentially steal your joy. Sometimes there doesn’t even have to be a thing. It might just be the way you woke up, anything. You might just be in one of those moods on one of those days.

Usually, at the far end of things when there is actual pain or misery derived from what you are dealing with. It’s a pain that is attached to us at first by our subconscious and our conscious mind. As you know, pain is our brains way of telling us that we don’t like what’s happened to us and/ or it wasn’t good for us so it gives you pain so that you don’t do it again.

Even when it’s emotional ‘pain’ it’s just like the pain you receive when you put your hand too close to the fire.

Think about it, when your hurt about something, -unless you’re the type who wallows in their pain-, do you tell yourself to feel bad, or find it difficult to eat or sleep or similar?

What has happened is your conscious mind at some point let your subconscious know that what ever hurt you was important, normally by making it subject of much of your focus. It may be an exam you were preparing for, or an outcome you were waiting on. The more you thought about it the more it stuck to your subconscious, Attatching with it all the associated feelings you placed next to it’s success or failure.

So when the thing goes wrong, even when you’re over the initial shock or disappointment, your subconscious mind is still dealing with it. Trying to alarm your whole body that the important thing has gone wrong and at the moment, it’s chief priority is to consistently remind you of this, which will explain why you cant, shake the feeling even when you would like to.

After all you spent so much time feeding it with whatever the thing was when you wanted it to go right, now you’re subconscious is just repaying the favour.

When this happens though, there is a sure fire way to quickly beat the problem.

First of all, allow yourself to feel what you feel. Satisfy your subconscious by submissively/ but naturally allowing yourself to actually respond to the upset that you are feeling. However, it’s important to consciously remind yourself that you are ‘allowing yourself to feel this’, keeping you in control.

Also keep firmly in mind that you will not allow yourself to feel this forever. In fact, identify in your mind what you feel would be a reasonable amount of time to feel upset by it. In this time you can think about what went wrong and be upset or whatever. Then when you get about half way into that time, start to make a plan of action in which you actively attempt to reverse whatever the issue is. Think of a few ACHIEVEABLE outcomes that would turn the bad situation into a good one and map it out in your mind. Don’t do anything with it yet; just build the map as clearly and concisely as you can.

Then do something NOW, which will make you FEEL happy. NOW! Just do it. Eat, exercise, dance, get some air, talk to a human being, watch a comedy... anything that makes you feel good. I recommend getting up and doing something as a pose to a movie under a duvet. Getting your blood flowing releases natural chemicals in your body, which naturally make you feel good.

Doing this should actively conquer whatever feeling you had about whatever went wrong. What’s more you’ll have done it in a way that is not just bottling up things as a coping mechanism short term neither have you just repressed what you have being feeling. What you have done is dealt with the situation and associated feeling on three different and very important levels.

Firstly you have allowed yourself to ‘grieve’ and thus allowed yourself freedom of expression and the opportunity to actually mark your ‘sadness’ as a pose to glossing other it.
Then, by planning a course of redemptive action, you have given yourself practical steps which will satisfy your subconscious helping your brain to stop reminding you how bad things are as there is a path to something as good or better.

You’re subconscious can get out of panic mode when it can identify an achievable positive solution. This will stop you feeling down or helpless about the situation and give some good old-fashioned positive hope. This is only enhanced when you get up and get your pheromones flowing, instantly making you feel good about yourself, knocking away the current bad feeling and enhancing your anticipation about whatever plans you’ve made.


Bad things will always happen, and if you wait for them to fix themselves before you allow yourself to feel good. Then not only will you be feeling bad for an unquantifiable amount of time, but you’ll also be ‘hella-pissed’ when you realise life isn't waiting for your ‘bad situation’ to fix itself and something else as bad or worse comes along.

Ever felt under the weather and that the hits just kept on coming? Yeah, thought so!

I say stay ahead of the game, and keep a smile on your face by taking things head on and realising that while situations may vary and seem wildly different. The associated feelings are often the same. Frustration is frustration whether you haven’t got a job after 5 years searching, or you delete all your phone contacts… or your car wont start.

Sure they vary in degrees, but the root feeling is the same. Anger is anger, sorrow is sorrow, and glee is… a television show.

So realise whatever you feel you’ve probably felt it before at some level and you’ll probably feel it again. So knowing that time WILL heal and the feeling WILL pass, why spend longer in the feeling than you need to. A little perspective goes a long way, so when things go wrong, just know that your just ‘perspective’ away, from putting things right!

Life get’s better the longer you live it, so long as you better the life that you live.

Saturday, 5 February 2011

Hold tite you.

Big up yourself, your large!

Yeah, you.

You're a top guy, girl, person. A genuine gem.

This is for you because you don't always get the recognition you deserve, or the incentive to keep you as you are.

Just a few of the things I salute you for are below;

You're an optimist who seeks out the best in people and finds it where others can't even be bothered to look. You don't use what they say to make your judgement. You use what you experience, then you test it, again and again. Just in case you'd gotten it wrong as you don't want to hastily put it down as a negative.

In fact in finding negative you're inspired to search deeper for the good. YoU are not a fool! You are a rare and fantastic human being.... you're wired differently.... you're wired correctly.

You're not fussed or moved by the he-say she-say. You're not mad because he's an attention seeker, or she's a  big mouth. You're cool with the fact they are not perfect and people with delusions of grandeur don't irk you. You wish them well and move it along. You wish them well and mean it.

You trust until you're trust is betrayed, believe until you're lied to and leave yourself vulnerable to heartbreak. Too brave to close up. Too real to fake. Too unconcerned by what they/ we say or think about your kindness, niceness, openness.

You leave people more often than not with smiles not frowns, good news not bad, edification and not despairing negativity. You're alright you.

You forgive my worst actions and forget my worst states. You build up, not tear down, you make me wanna be better!

You don't need the conspiracy theories, you see what's right with things before what's wrong with them. Be it people, institutions, situations or anything else, their weakness' are not you're talking points. What you can't fix you accept.

You do you, confidently, emphatically, wonderfully well and also cautiously, embarrassingly and woefully bad. But because you are a human, of the honest, real variety.

You fail because you try, and therefore win, for the same reason.

You work tirelessly when no-one is looking to effortlessly be what those who look, see.

You unashamedly think and act as you do. shining, fading and then shining once more. Not perturbed by failures, mistakes and/ or things they know.

You believe your beliefs and doubt your doubts. You happen to believe in people.

You're a star because you look to add to yourself without taking from others, as well as enlarging others without shrinking yourself.

You're better than you think you are, you know, and there's more in there.

When you know it you'l be even greater.