Monday, 1 August 2011

Check Check One Two. (approaching a woman)

Testing... Testing.... is this thing on?

Now I ain't some sort of expert, but what I do know is how not to approach a woman.
FIrst off I wanna make this clear, most of the guys who would actually like to improve how they approach a woman are not jerks, they aint creeps just trying to get inside a womans pants.

Those guys are not really interested in improving what they do, they work on numbers. The more women they approach, the more likely they'll get a return. The percentage game, banking on the knowledge that eventually they'll find a girl who is; having self-esteem issues, straight up easy, fresh up on the rebound or just hasnt had their inbetween-relationship-dose of wasteman badboy.

They play the percentages and do their thing. good luck to them.

Seeing as that type of brother doesn't actually partake in menial tasks like 'reading' this is not for them.

This is for the guy who occasionally see's a girl he likes, would genuinely like to get to know her better and finally have a positive response to this rhetoric.
'yeah your doing well career wise, you got your head on your shoulders your a good guy... where's the lady in your life?'

A response other than a blank face, or some lame pacifier that attempts to mask internal frustration and self-pity.

See the thing about our waste counter parts, is that it's well known that they wreck the game for everybody. When a good looking, 'wifey/ wife' material girl has already had 27 over-confident guys trying it on -with their well practised, daily honed material- on the way to the bus stop before work. what chance does the good guy with his.... 'Hi I just wanted to...' feeble attempts to display genuinity have at holding her attention beyond a kiss of the teeth, a polite lie (I don't talk to guys, sorry') or just outright rude dismissal.

No chance... No chance at all.

The wastemen have killed it for everybody.

I know what your thinking if you can't beat 'em, join 'em. Play the numbers game, roughen your edges up and stop being so passive. After all, everyone knows, the nice guy finishes last... and doesn't get the girl.
Well I got news for you, just before you lower your trousers, develop a 'bop' and start using the introductory term of 'Yo, my size!'

The nice guys don't finish last. Losers do.

There's probably a few blogs in that subject in itself discussing the loser like mentalities which are so generally misappropriated as being 'nice', but that's for another blog. what I will say for now is its perfectly achieveable to be a good guy, and incorporate the qualities, yes! qualities, that our waste counter parts so naturally use.

Disclaimer: I wouldn't want to claim to be the guy who can teach a guy how to 'run game'. There are countless books, journals and groups for that. I kind of think that when it gets to the point that you are intensely trying to figure out how to run game on girls you've got it all backwards anyway. These are just my thoughts on the matter, my ten pence. And sharing knowledge amongst the Mandem aiming towards general self- improvement in all areas is by all accounts healthy.

All I wanna do for now is help you out with how you approach a woman. Normal.

It's something I came up with a few years back and while it might not shake the world up. I thought back on it recently and agreed with myself that it made sense. I call it, the check check one two.

For anyone familiar with using microphones you'l know that getting the levels right is vital before proceeding, you'l also know that if you want to see if it's working, you don't just 'tap' a mike. (take from that what you will...) Nope, theres an arbitrary command that is used accross the land. 'Check, check 1, 2. testing...'

Here are the stages of how it works, note: it's all about creating comfort.

1. (first check) Right off, you need to have your radar working. I know that no-one wants to be the bait guy whose eyes... and head follow every attractive girl that walks by, but you at least gotta notice when it happens! The waste man's check is simple. 'does it have a bum? does it have breast? is it a woman?...Proceed!!!'
Well, if you're a serious guy your rules of attraction might go a little beyond that. Obviously though, your not going to see a woman's character or personality at a glance. The whole point of your approach is supposedly to create the opportunity for those to be shown in future. It may be that the situation allows for you to keep this check going for a sustained period of time so that you can see a little more of that in advance. That said, know what you're looking for, what you like and when you see her, proceed to the next check.

2. (second check) Assuming you've seen what you like and you're ready to make an approach, the next thing you've got to be aware of is where you are. Where she's is, why she's there and who and what is around her. Again, to the waste man this is not really that important. Whether she's running for a bus, dining with her mum, or front row in church really doesnt change the obviously nessessary call of 'Yo, My size!'.
You however are gonna come a little more correct than that, adapt to your environment. Acknowledge if she's in a conversation, actively engaged in an activity, or just looking pissed off. Sometimes, you'l see that now really isn't the time to proceed with any sort of introduction. Walking past the girl of your dreams on some dark isolated backstreets, might be one of those times. But, if you can take everything into account, and confidently spot the green light to go ahead. i.e That isn't her boyfriend standing two feet away... proceed to the next step.

3. one (from the one- two)

This is probably the most crucial step. This is the big set up, the sink or swim. Any boxers out there will know that a one- two is a bread and butter punch combination in the sport. The '1' is the jab that sets up the money '2' shot. The same applies here, this stage creates your opening. See the thing is, due to the consistent influx of watse material which is displayed to women, they are set up to not want to be approached. perfectly friendly and sociable women become Gaddafi's Amazonian guard to protect their right to not have to entertain nonsense chat up.

Therefore, to break that guard you have to not be considered a threat, one way to do this is to become overtly gay, another way is to have third party validation. Failing that, you hit 'em with the one- two.

All your going to do, is make a move to have the shortest possible interaction which makes NO suggestion to ANY form of interest. You are NOT going to flirt, compliment or converse. you are simply going to use the checks that you have done prior to form a short interaction. You are going to boldly affirm or suggest something and then walk away, or at least clearly be prepared to.

In short, you are introducing your face to her world, allowing it to register as none threatning and therefore enabling her to be herself and not shut you down. simple.

be interesting without appearing interested.

4. 'two'

This should be the part where you're 'in' and can relax and actually be yourself without fear of being shut down before you get the chance. This is WHY you approached her, or would have wanted to in the first place... at this point you've been brought to the water. Drink.

See, if you've played 'one' right then the next time you see, or are seen by this girl you are suddenly a familiar, none- threatening face. She may not even know why she knows you, but so long as your interaction was enough to make you memorable you should at least now sub-consciously be validated in her mind as not being a menace. And given the female psyche, with the fact that she now has some plausible deniability, she may even now be comfortable enough to approach you. (you know, being polite and all)

*For those that dont understand plausible deniability... basically, you've given her the mental comfort to allow herself to speak to you with her guard down without feeling 'easy'. After all, you're not chirpsing her are you, it's surprising how much people (guys and girls both) will change when they think there actions wont come back to hurt/ embarrass them.... Girls are ALL about the deniability.

Bear/ bare/ beer?!? in mind, depending on what you have gathered from step two, you will be able to decide how far after step 3 to play step 4. It could be for a completely different day if you discover you work or study close by. If you had spotted her at a place you will both likely be for a number of hours, it might just be that step 4 occurs later on in that same time period. If there is an obvious time- constraint, you'l have to use your judgement to leave enough of a gap to re-assert your self, but not so much that you appear intimidated. Or even roll it all into one... it's very possible.

Depending on who you are and where you are in your life, you might just nod in agreement. You might feel like you've learned something you wanted to hear for years or you might just think i've spelt out the blindingly obvious or something inherently flawed. You might see traces of this in your current game or how its a drawn out version of what you do, or think people should do in such situations. No biggie.

Just remember to up your game. It's getting tough for the real men and women to stand up and be counted. It'l only get worse when we don't know how to approach each other and, in essence, wind up being drawn too and partnered with the less serious but more forward men and women. Producing a generation of half-serious to un-serious kids. (bbm Can't watch face)

So what ever it is you do get your game tight. quit whining about how tough it is to meet someone and go out and do it. it's being done.

and remember, at each step she's .... 'testing... testing.'
(or at least she should be)
Don't fail the test.

(I'll Write a blog on how girls should 'TEST' the guy that's approaching her in the near future...)

It's been a long one... but here's my customary corresponding poem.

This ain't about a mike, or nothing of the like
this bout how you sensibly approach that girl you like
this bout how you delicately differ from the norm
let other brothers act, you perform
And form,
A different sort of connect.
cos some abort the respect
and others just neglect what is morally correct.
And leave the 'nice' guys to take the hits and hit the deck
turned down, by the girl who turned your head. in a sec.
but they say, where theres a will theres a way,
no need to be a jerk, nope no matter what they say
neither should you be hurt, if the girl should walk away
everybody on this earth has a right to choose the places where they pay
their attention.
so while I mention.
what you should do.
when you see the kinda lady that you might like to pursue
you haven't got a chance if you havent got a clue
so next time you see her coming, buss a CHECK' ONE TWO.

Check one-two, who got more style then son do?

Check one- two!



  2. geniusly genuine, coming from a female

  3. If only all men thought like that... there wouldn't be 'wastemans around'!

  4. :-) That was a good read!

    LOL @ "Whether she's running for a bus, dining with her mum, or front row in church really doesnt change the obviously necessary call of 'Yo, My size!'.... haha This is SO true!

    I look forward to reading your blog about females testing approaching males!

    Efe (UpRiser)
